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dimanche 28 juin 2020

RE: Email list

Would you like to purchase or do email campaign to any of the following email lists collected from LinkedIn, Events, B2B portals etc. ? 

  1. CEO/owner/Presidents email list
  2. Physicians, Doctors, Nurses, Dentists, Therapists email list
  3. Hospitals, clinics, private practices, Pharmaceutical and biotechnology company’s top decision makers email list
  4. Purchasing and Procurement Managers
  5. CPA and Bookkeepers email list
  6. Specific Event attendees list
  7. Architects and interior designers email list8. Government contractors email list9. Engineers email list
  8. Logistics, shipping and supply chain managers email list
  9. E-commerce or online retailers email list
  10. Telecom managers, VOIP managers, Cloud architect, Cloud managers, Storage managers email list
  11. Facility and office managers email list
  12. HR Executives List
  13. Marketing Executives List
  14. IT Executives email list
  15. Product or project management list
  16. General and corporate counsel as well legal professionals list
  17. Event and meeting planners email list
  18. High net worth individuals/investors email list
  19. Individual insurance agents list
  20. ISV/VARs list
  21. New & Used Car Dealers email list
  22. Manufacturing Industry executives list
  23. Education industry executives email list - Principals, Dean and Admins from Schools, Colleges and Universities
  24. Specific Technology users list 

Thanks and let me know if you wish to see a sample of the database. 

Susan William

Email List | Email Campaign | Email Appending | Telemarketing | Lead generation | SEO | Social media Campaign | Video Marketing | Complete Digital Marketing

Unsubscribe me from this list

mercredi 24 juin 2020

RE: Leads

Would you like to purchase or do email campaign to any of the following email lists collected from LinkedIn, Events, B2B portals etc. ? 

  1. CEO/owner/Presidents email list
  2. Physicians, Doctors, Nurses, Dentists, Therapists email list
  3. Hospitals, clinics, private practices, Pharmaceutical and biotechnology company’s top decision makers email list
  4. Purchasing and Procurement Managers
  5. CPA and Bookkeepers email list
  6. Specific Event attendees list
  7. Architects and interior designers email list8. Government contractors email list9. Engineers email list
  8. Logistics, shipping and supply chain managers email list
  9. E-commerce or online retailers email list
  10. Telecom managers, VOIP managers, Cloud architect, Cloud managers, Storage managers email list
  11. Facility and office managers email list
  12. HR Executives List
  13. Marketing Executives List
  14. IT Executives email list
  15. Product or project management list
  16. General and corporate counsel as well legal professionals list
  17. Event and meeting planners email list
  18. High net worth individuals/investors email list
  19. Individual insurance agents list
  20. ISV/VARs list
  21. New & Used Car Dealers email list
  22. Manufacturing Industry executives list
  23. Education industry executives email list - Principals, Dean and Admins from Schools, Colleges and Universities
  24. Specific Technology users list 

Thanks and let me know if you wish to see a sample of the database. 

Susan William

Email List | Email Campaign | Email Appending | Telemarketing | Lead generation | SEO | Social media Campaign | Video Marketing | Complete Digital Marketing

If you do not wish to receive any more emails from us then click on this link Unsubscribe me from this list

lundi 15 juin 2020

June 2020 Newsletter

If you do not wish to receive any more emails from us then click on this link Unsubscribe me from this list

Would you like to purchase or do email campaign to any of the following email lists collected from LinkedIn, Events, B2B portals etc. ? 

  1. CEO/owner/Presidents email list
  2. Physicians, Doctors, Nurses, Dentists, Therapists email list
  3. Hospitals, clinics, private practices, Pharmaceutical and biotechnology company’s top decision makers email list
  4. Purchasing and Procurement Managers
  5. CPA and Bookkeepers email list
  6. Specific Event attendees list
  7. Architects and interior designers email list8. Government contractors email list9. Engineers email list
  8. Logistics, shipping and supply chain managers email list
  9. E-commerce or online retailers email list
  10. Telecom managers, VOIP managers, Cloud architect, Cloud managers, Storage managers email list
  11. Facility and office managers email list
  12. HR Executives List
  13. Marketing Executives List
  14. IT Executives email list
  15. Product or project management list
  16. General and corporate counsel as well legal professionals list
  17. Event and meeting planners email list
  18. High net worth individuals/investors email list
  19. Individual insurance agents list
  20. ISV/VARs list
  21. New & Used Car Dealers email list
  22. Manufacturing Industry executives list
  23. Education industry executives email list - Principals, Dean and Admins from Schools, Colleges and Universities
  24. Specific Technology users list 

Thanks and let me know if you wish to see a sample of the database. 

Susan William

Email List | Email Campaign | Email Appending | Telemarketing | Lead generation | SEO | Social media Campaign | Video Marketing | Complete Digital Marketing

If you do not wish to receive any more emails from us then click on this link Unsubscribe me from this list

dimanche 14 juin 2020

2.800.000,00 euro.

Nazywam sie Manuel Franco z USA. Ja i moja zona chcielibysmy podzielic sie z Toba ta dobra wiadomoscia. Wygralem 768 milionów dolarów w puli Powerball w kwietniu 2019 r. Postanowilismy przekazac darowizne 5 losowym osobom z powodu tego wirusa koronowego, który zabija ludzi, dzieki czemu mozesz uzyc go, aby pomóc swoim spolecznosciom po otrzymaniu tego e-maila. Nastepnie twój email zostal wybrany ze spinballu. Przekazalem wiekszosc mojego majatku na kilka organizacji charytatywnych. Zdecydowalem sie przekazac tobie kwote 2 800 000,00 euro. Jako jedna z moich 5 szczesliwych wybranych osób, odpowiedz na tego e-maila, aby uzyskac wiecej informacji. To jest twój kod darowizny: [MF4322019] Odpowiedz na tego e-maila, podajac kod darowizny: Mam nadzieje, ze sprawisz, ze Twoja rodzina bedzie szczesliwa. Pozdrowienia Manuel Franco i rodzina

samedi 13 juin 2020

June 2020 Newsletter

If you do not longer wish to receive our mailings, To stop receiving these emails here Unsubscribe me from this list

Would you like to purchase or do email campaign to any of the following email lists collected from LinkedIn, Events, B2B portals etc. ? 

  1. CEO/owner/Presidents email list
  2. Physicians, Doctors, Nurses, Dentists, Therapists email list
  3. Hospitals, clinics, private practices, Pharmaceutical and biotechnology company’s top decision makers email list
  4. Purchasing and Procurement Managers
  5. CPA and Bookkeepers email list
  6. Specific Event attendees list
  7. Architects and interior designers email list8. Government contractors email list9. Engineers email list
  8. Logistics, shipping and supply chain managers email list
  9. E-commerce or online retailers email list
  10. Telecom managers, VOIP managers, Cloud architect, Cloud managers, Storage managers email list
  11. Facility and office managers email list
  12. HR Executives List
  13. Marketing Executives List
  14. IT Executives email list
  15. Product or project management list
  16. General and corporate counsel as well legal professionals list
  17. Event and meeting planners email list
  18. High net worth individuals/investors email list
  19. Individual insurance agents list
  20. ISV/VARs list
  21. New & Used Car Dealers email list
  22. Manufacturing Industry executives list
  23. Education industry executives email list - Principals, Dean and Admins from Schools, Colleges and Universities
  24. Specific Technology users list 

Thanks and let me know if you wish to see a sample of the database. 

Susan William | Database Provider

Our services: Email List | Email Campaign | Email Appending | Telemarketing | Lead generation | SEO | Social media Campaign | Video Marketing | Complete Digital Marketing

If you do not longer wish to receive our mailings, To stop receiving these emails here Unsubscribe me from this list

mardi 2 juin 2020

RE: Contact info

Would you like to purchase or do email campaign to any of the following email lists collected from LinkedIn, Events, B2B portals etc. ?

1. CEO/owner/Presidents email list
2. Physicians, Doctors, Nurses, Dentists, Therapists email list
3. Hospitals, clinics, private practices, Pharmaceutical and biotechnology company’s top decision makers email list
4. Purchasing and Procurement Managers
5. CPA and Bookkeepers email list
6. Specific Event attendees list
7. Architects and interior designers email list
8. Government contractors email list
9. Engineers email list
10. Logistics, shipping and supply chain managers email list
11. E-commerce or online retailers email list
12. Telecom managers, VOIP managers, Cloud architect, Cloud managers, Storage managers email list
13. Facility and office managers email list
14. HR Executives List
15. Marketing Executives List
16. IT Executives email list
17. Product or project management list
18. General and corporate counsel as well legal professionals list
19. Event and meeting planners email list
20. High net worth individuals/investors email list
21. Individual insurance agents list
22. ISV/VARs list
23. New & Used Car Dealers email list
24. Manufacturing Industry executives list
25. Education industry executives email list - Principals, Dean and Admins from Schools, Colleges and Universities
26. Specific Technology users list

Thanks and let me know if you wish to see a sample of the database.

Rachel Walker

Email List | Email Campaign | Email Appending | Telemarketing | Lead generation | SEO | Social media Campaign | Video Marketing | Complete Digital Marketing

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