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mercredi 29 avril 2015

Tr :

Le Mardi 28 avril 2015 16h49, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Una flor d arepas

mardi 28 avril 2015

Tr :

Le Mardi 28 avril 2015 12h21, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

La loire

Tr :

Le Mardi 28 avril 2015 12h20, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Lavavaissel bio y natural cenisas

Tr :

Le Mardi 28 avril 2015 12h19, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Se ve Rico este plato

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Le Mardi 28 avril 2015 12h18, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Atardecer en la loire

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Le Mardi 28 avril 2015 12h17, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Atardecer en mi bohio

Tr :

Le Mardi 28 avril 2015 12h16, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Desatuno indio

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Le Mardi 28 avril 2015 12h16, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Vista desde mi fogon

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Le Mardi 28 avril 2015 12h15, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

A comer que lleguo el hanbre

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Le Mardi 28 avril 2015 12h15, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Desayuno d atawiay

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Le Mardi 28 avril 2015 12h13, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

petite deyune ala indienne

vendredi 10 avril 2015

Tr :

Le Vendredi 10 avril 2015 13h00, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

En pqlis hoy

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Le Vendredi 10 avril 2015 12h58, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Qnbiente pqrisino

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Le Vendredi 10 avril 2015 18h48, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

En Paris la cola para conprar pan

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Le Vendredi 10 avril 2015 14h09, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Y este contrqfqcon qauw

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Le Vendredi 10 avril 2015 14h18, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Danton el inmortal

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Le Vendredi 10 avril 2015 18h55, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Y esta contrafacon aux peuples indiens es legal.  Pour la survie des notres peuples ne achetes pas sa

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Le Vendredi 10 avril 2015 18h58, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Sauvons les peuples minoritarios non ala contra facon   francesa

mercredi 8 avril 2015

Tr :

Le Mercredi 8 avril 2015 20h28, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Dansas en el cielo

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Le Mercredi 8 avril 2015 20h36, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Maire d ste genis Laval ce matin

mardi 7 avril 2015

Tr :

Le Mardi 7 avril 2015 12h45, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Hin y hiqn

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Le Lundi 6 avril 2015 23h31, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Arepa bretona

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Le Lundi 6 avril 2015 23h33, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Ancianos pueblos

samedi 4 avril 2015

Tr :

Le Samedi 4 avril 2015 22h51, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Noches d plena Luna bis

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Le Samedi 4 avril 2015 22h51, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :


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Le Samedi 4 avril 2015 22h52, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Bellas con la luna

jeudi 2 avril 2015



I am MRS.NICOLE MAROIS; I have decided to donate what I have to You/Churches/ Motherless babies/Less privileged/Widows' because I am dying and diagnosed for cancer for about 2 years ago. I have been touched by God Almighty to donate from what I have inherited from my late husband to you for good work of God. I have asked Almighty God to forgive me and believe he has because he is a Merciful God I will be going in for an operation soon.

I decided to will/donate the sum of $2.5 million dollars to you for the good work of God, and also to help the motherless and less privilege and also forth assistance of the widows. At the moment I cannot take any telephone calls right now due to the fact that my relatives (that have squandered the funds gave them for this purpose before) are around me and my health status also. I have adjusted my will and my lawyer is aware.

I wish you all the best and May the good Lord bless you abundantly, and please use the funds judiciously and always extend the good work to others. As soon you get back to me, I shall give you information on what I need from you then you will contact the bank and tell them I have willed those properties to you by quoting my personal file routing and account information. And I have also notified the bank that I am willing that properties to you for a good, effective and prudent work. I know I don't know you but I have been directed to do this by God Almighty.

If you are interested in carrying out this task please contact my private email at ( for more details on this noble project of mine.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs. Nicole Marois