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vendredi 30 janvier 2015

Tr :

Le Mercredi 28 janvier 2015 12h08, atawuay arauco <> a écrit :

Le Mardi 27 janvier 2015 20h31, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Hermoso hermano

Tr :

Le Mercredi 28 janvier 2015 19h27, atawuay arauco <> a écrit :

Le Mercredi 28 janvier 2015 18h40, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Plza terraux

Tr :

Le Jeudi 29 janvier 2015 16h25, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Chocolates en lyon

Tr :

Le Mardi 27 janvier 2015 14h00, atawuay arauco <> a écrit :

Le Lundi 26 janvier 2015 22h08, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Mi sobrinita bella

jeudi 29 janvier 2015

Tr :

Le Dimanche 25 janvier 2015 17h07, atawuay arauco <> a écrit :

Le Dimanche 25 janvier 2015 15h56, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Panaderia en Trujillo venezuela

Tr :

Le Lundi 26 janvier 2015 13h56, atawuay arauco <> a écrit :

Le Dimanche 25 janvier 2015 19h13, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Mi hermana en concierto de caracol

Tr :

Le Dimanche 25 janvier 2015 17h07, atawuay arauco <> a écrit :

Le Dimanche 25 janvier 2015 15h57, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

En trujillo

Tr :

Le Lundi 26 janvier 2015 13h51, atawuay arauco <> a écrit :

Le Dimanche 25 janvier 2015 19h14, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Las très azafatas

mercredi 28 janvier 2015

Tr :

Le Mercredi 28 janvier 2015 15h46, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Un Lugar super d lyon

Tr :

Le Mercredi 28 janvier 2015 18h39, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Eduardo herriot

Le Mercredi 28 janvier 2015 18h40, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Plza terraux

Tr :

Le Dimanche 25 janvier 2015 19h26, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Bellas d la reunion

Tr :

Le Mardi 27 janvier 2015 14h00, atawuay arauco <> a écrit :

Le Lundi 26 janvier 2015 22h05, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

La mesita donde atahuay tomaba su cafecito criollo con su pansito d guayaba uui

Tr :

Le Mardi 27 janvier 2015 20h31, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Hermoso hermano

mardi 27 janvier 2015

Tr :

Le Lundi 26 janvier 2015 22h05, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

La mesita donde atahuay tomaba su cafecito criollo con su pansito d guayaba uui

Tr :

Le Lundi 26 janvier 2015 22h08, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Mi sobrinita bella

Tr :

Le Lundi 26 janvier 2015 22h10, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Mis adeptos.  En mi avion particular

From Mrs Nadine williams

From Mrs Nadine williams
No. 38 Rue de commercial Cocody
Abidjan: Ivory Coast.


Greetings in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we believe that God will grant you the willingness and interest to digest this humble narration though it might be so strange for you to believe the story which we believe by the wisdom and understanding of the Almighty God who created heaven and earth you will well understand the contents and accept to proceed on the project, we knew that we haven't met or seen each other before, but having the believe that distance will never be a barrier towards this divine mission since our contact with you is not by accident but by the divine direction of the Holy Spirit after three days praying and fasting which we also refer that you should constantly engage yourself in prayers.

Before we proceed let us use this opportunity for introduction, my name is Sister Edith a nurse by occupation that is helping my beloved sick sister in Christ Mrs. Nadine williams a widow to late Mr. Benson williams who is the former director of Chevron Corporation Industry in Abidjan Ivory Coast, both of them are Kuwaitis that live in Abidjan commercial city of Ivory Coast, they were married for many years without child till the death of her husband in October 2009 after a brief illness, due to the promise she made to her husband on the alter at the day of their church wedding also combined with the love between them she decided not to re-marry or get a child outside their matrimonial home due to their culture.

We want to narrate about our motive of been in contact with you, before the death of her husband they have in mind of building a charity Foundation, there is an amount worth of $6.5 Million (Six Million Five Hundred thousand U.S. Dollars) that was deposit by her husband in a Finance Institution which we will inform you after we discovered that you are faithful and capable to accomplish the great assignment,recently her Doctor said that her days is limited due to breast cancer and stroke sickness, now having knew her health condition she decided to seek for a competent reliable person or a God fearing organization to donate the fund, who will never betray the trust, the purpose of this fund is for the propagation of God's work and Charity services, that is building of churches, hospital and clinics, helping the w idows and Orphans, old aged people also people with HIV AIDS who can not afford to pay for their medical treatment, any other thing in relation to God's wish is also accepted but not for war, terrorist purposes.

This paragraph is very important, this transaction don't need any telephone communication due to the illness of our sick sister also combined with the presence of her husband's relatives that are always around her movement, for this reason you are also advised to keep this matter very confidential between us and God until the fund is transfer to your bank account, why this decision is because her husband warned her seriously before he died not to let his family members to know anything about this fund, her husband took the decision because his family refused to worship God and chose to worship idol, that is the reason he decided that effort will be used for the work of God though his family had succeeded to retrieve all the land properties and business from our sick sister after the death of her husband, the word of God said that blessed is the hand that give than the hand that receives, my sick sister made me to understand that she is not afraid of death since she know that by the grace of God she will rest in the bosom of God after she died, and she always encourage herself with this bible verses that says, "the Lord God will fight our case and we shall hold our peace" (Exodus 14 VS 14).

If you accepted all we narrated and convinced that you will be capable to fulfill this great assignment, you are required to send as follows, (1) Your full names (2) Your residential and country addresses (3) Your Photograph, that we will use for the affidavit which means the (change of owners h ip ), as soon as you supplied the required information, the affidavit will be obtain in your favor and the contact of the bank director will be giving to you so that you can contact with him for the fund transfer, your doubt or delay to respond will give us the chance of seeking another humble and dependable person that will accomplish the divine project, this message is written by me the staff nurse, only me and the director where the fund is deposited is aware of this issue, may the Almighty God bless you as you accepted and assured wholeheartedly to work in the farm of God.

Yours sisters in Christ,

Sister Edith on behalf of sister Nadine williams

lundi 26 janvier 2015

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Tr :

Le Dimanche 25 janvier 2015 19h13, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Mi hermana en concierto de caracol

Tr :

Le Dimanche 25 janvier 2015 19h14, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Las très azafatas

dimanche 25 janvier 2015

Tr :

Le Dimanche 25 janvier 2015 21h40, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Y sus contrafacon

Tr :

Le Dimanche 25 janvier 2015 21h35, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Y sus colas

Tr :

Le Dimanche 25 janvier 2015 21h33, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Sus opiniatras

Tr :

Le Dimanche 25 janvier 2015 21h32, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Sus porta bonheur

Tr :

Le Dimanche 25 janvier 2015 21h31, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Y sus aguas contaminadas

Tr :

Le Dimanche 25 janvier 2015 21h30, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

En Francia ta bien Hay sus basurita

Tr :

Le Dimanche 25 janvier 2015 15h54, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Ata en lyon

Tr :

Le Dimanche 25 janvier 2015 15h56, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Panaderia en Trujillo venezuela

Tr :

Le Dimanche 25 janvier 2015 15h57, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

En trujillo

Tr :

Le Mercredi 21 janvier 2015 16h30, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Tr :

Le Dimanche 25 janvier 2015 0h41, atawuay arauco <> a écrit :

Le Samedi 24 janvier 2015 23h56, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :


Tr :

Le Mercredi 21 janvier 2015 16h34, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

La plazuela venecia

Tr :

Le Dimanche 25 janvier 2015 0h41, atawuay arauco <> a écrit :

Le Samedi 24 janvier 2015 23h56, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Y mas quesos el tunel d Los quesos

Tr :

Le Dimanche 25 janvier 2015 0h42, atawuay arauco <> a écrit :


Tr :

Le Samedi 24 janvier 2015 23h56, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :


Tr :

Le Samedi 24 janvier 2015 23h56, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

Y mas quesos el tunel d Los quesos

vendredi 23 janvier 2015

Tr :

Le Mercredi 21 janvier 2015 18h07, atawuay arauco <> a écrit :

Le Mercredi 21 janvier 2015 16h27, Chaima tanal <> a écrit :

miviejo san juan

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